Friday, September 14, 2007

Rosie version 6.0

In here new upcoming book Rosie O'Donnell claims that Barbara came to resent her. For Instance, she writes that the audience would scream, "I love you, Rosie" during commercial breaks, "and Barbara tells them in this schoolteacher tone, 'It is impolite to say I love you to one person when there are four of us up here.' Then a stony silence sets in."

Rosie gets the award for making the fastest friends turned fastest enemies. The former Queen of all Media has been reduced to a pissed-off-liberal-lesbian-homemaker.

You know I remember watching Rosie in the early 90's as a stand-up Comedian. She appeared regularly on Arsenio Hall. Hilarious. Her skinny, sexually-ambiguous 1.0 version. Now we're to 6.0 - wired for max gayness and liberalism that even makes Hilary Clinton shutter.

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