Saturday, September 15, 2007

OJ's lesser pocket book calls for Larry H. Parker

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - O.J. Simpson was questioned by Las Vegas police after a sports memorabilia dealer accused the former star athlete and murder defendant of robbing him at gunpoint, police and others said on Friday.

OJ accused of another crime. Larry H. Parker is calling.

You know, I'm sorry I have to throw this in... even after 13 years I still can't believe Nicole is no longer with us. Damn, she was fine. I understand OJ believed she was a slut. I'm sure she deserved to be choked out once in a while. But murder? It's a valuable life lesson to kids, to never... oh wow I didn't notice I put that particular picture up of Nicole. Where was I?... Oh the lesson.... Damn, she was fine. Why did you have be a slut, Nicole. Dammit, why!?!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.